
Easter Eggs Sale at Tesco Supermarket Bury: Get Your Chocolate Fix Now!

Despite Christmas decorations still being up, supermarkets in the UK have already started stocking Easter eggs. Some supermarket chains have even started displaying the products as early as Boxing Day. For instance, B&M is already selling Easter eggs, and displays have been spotted in various Tesco and Co-op stores before the New Year, which has surprised some shoppers. Asda, which started displaying Christmas products in September, said customers like it as they want to “spread the cost” and it allows them to get ahead with shopping.

Easter Sunday will take place on March 31, 2024, meaning that stores putting out chocolate eggs from December are almost four months early. Despite this, some supermarkets have stated that they know some customers like to buy Easter eggs early and they want to give those people the option. For example, a spokesperson for Tesco said, “We know some of our customers like to buy their eggs early so we have started selling a small selection in some of our stores.”

This early display of Easter eggs is not uncommon, with some supermarkets starting to stock Easter eggs as early as January in previous years. Although some shoppers may find it unusual, the early display of Easter eggs is a common practice among supermarkets, and it provides an opportunity for customers to plan and budget for the upcoming holiday.

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